Patient Story


Diana felt like her identity was slipping away, and with no known cure, her illness kept getting worse. By participating in one of our clinical trials, she reclaimed her life and her identity. This is her story.


Narrative: Too many people feel lost in a world that used to feel like home.

Diana: Nothing looks familiar.

Narrative: Alzheimer’s. An invisible illness with no prevention or cure available.

Diana: I’m talking to myself. I am upset, and crying, and all that. So I called my husband and I said, “I’m lost”.

Narrative: Over 5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s. Diana is one of them. This is her story.

Diana: I had two aunts, my mother, and my sister all died of Alzheimer’s.

Diana: I was just driving down the street one day and on the radio, there was an ad for a research program for Alzheimer’s. And, of course, I had been so aware of it because of my family background and was scared to death because I knew something wasn’t right.

Diana: You know, I had never even given a thought about research. And that just triggered something in my head, and I said, “ You know, I have nothing to lose… nothing to lose, so give it a try”.

Diana: It’s just totally amazing what that infusion did for me. Now, seven and a half years later, and I think the infusion helped.

Diana: I can’t even think of where I would be without the research program. They saved my life. They made me who I am at 75 years old.

Diana: I am who I was meant to be. And that is what’s important.


“I can’t even think of where I would be without the research program. They saved my life.”